2017 Nonprofit Executive Roundtable Series
Learn how to strengthen your organization’s capacity and lock in consistently better campaign results!
The Nonprofit Executive Roundtable Series is an unmatched program for nonprofit executive directors, CEOs and board members on solving the biggest challenges facing today’s nonprofit leaders. For more information, contact Amanda Lloyd at 757-822-1170 or by email.
Session 4:
Why Funding Program Overhead is not the Real Issue: The Case to Cover Full Costs
Wednesday, September 20, 2 – 5 p.m.
Stay for a complimentary dinner at 5:30

Speakers: Claire Knowlton, Director of Advisory Services, Nonprofit Finance Fund
Nonprofit overhead expenses distract us from what the nonprofit sector really needs to be talking about: Full costs. In this executive roundtable session, Claire Knowlton shows that nonprofits can’t limit their donor-asks to covering operating costs and overhead expenses. Nonprofits must also seek funding that fulfills organizations’ need for working capital, financial reserves, debt repayment and fixed asset additions such as equipment. This long-term reinvestment prevents crises and interrupted services.
Location: The Obici House, Suffolk, VA
Cost: $125